July 17, 2014
Utopia Exposes and Mocks “Progressives”
Film: There's No Place Like Utopia
By Cliff Kincaid - Accuracy in Media
Former FBI informant in the Weather Underground, Larry Grathwohl, is one of the stars of Joel Gilbert’s new film, “There’s...
July 15, 2014
Documentary Revisits Voters Disenchanted by Obama’s ‘Utopia’
Film: There's No Place Like Utopia
By Andrea Billups - Newsmax
Peggy Joseph embraced President Barack Obama's "hope and change" mantra during the 2008 election, her comments to a reporter about...
June 25, 2014
TV Station Rejects Ad for Anti-Obama Film
Film: There's No Place Like Utopia
By WND Exclusive - WND
NEW YORK – Denver’s NBC affiliate has refused to air a 30-second television spot promoting a new documentary that seeks...
May 14, 2013
A Filmmaker on Obama’s Enemies List?
By Cliff Kincaid - AIM.org
The revelations about the IRS targeting voices opposed to Barack Obama’s political agenda came of no surprise to filmmaker Joel...
May 13, 2013
Did the Libyan Government Order Benghazi Attacks?
By Joel Gilbert - WND.com
Was Barack Obama correct in refusing to label Benghazi a “terrorist attack”? Were the U.S. installations ordered destroyed by the...
October 29, 2012
Film: Dreams from My Real Father
By Drew Zahn - WND
The maker of the controversial film “Dreams from My Real Father” claims a journalist has been investigating the movie using...
October 29, 2012
Press Release: Dreams From My Real Father
Film: Dreams from My Real Father
By DFMRF, LLC - Press Release
Dreams from My Real Father Director Joel Gilbert says that unknown parties appear to have illegally acquired “private company bank...
September 20, 2012
Frank Marshall Davis, Jr.?
Film: Dreams from My Real Father
By Jeff Lipkes - American Thinker
In Laughter and Forgetting, novelist Milan Kudera describes a photo taken of the leaders of the Czech Communist Party on...
September 15, 2012
Director Q&A: Dreams From My Real Father
Film: Dreams from My Real Father
Why does it matter who Barak Obama’s father really is? Obama sold himself to America as the multi-cultural ideal, a...
September 11, 2012
‘New York Post’ Runs Boldest Anti-Obama Ad Yet
Film: Dreams from My Real Father
By Julian Sancton - Bloomberg Business
Even casual readers of the New York Post will find it hard to miss the full-page ad immediately following the...
July 30, 2012
See the Man Who Challenges Obama’s Family Story
Film: Dreams from My Real Father
By Bob Unruh - WND
A filmmaker whose full-length documentary, “Dreams from My Real Father,” presents a compelling case that Communist Party USA propagandist Frank...
May 24, 2012
Joel Gilbert Discusses Dreams from My Real Father
Film: Dreams from My Real Father
By Francine Brokaw - Suite 101
Barack Obama wrote a book called Dreams of My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. This film, Dreams of...